Sunday, June 24, 2012

A week ago I was reading the Sunday Sun newspaper online and happened across a competition they'd just launched; the Miss Sunday Sun contest.  I enter the odd modelling competition, not all the time though because these competitions are usually for younger girls.  There was no age limit stated so I decided I had nothing to lose and entered myself.

A few days ago I received a call and email from a journalist at the Sunday Sun wanting to speak to me with regards to my application.  They were keen to hear more about my background and why I entered, and they wanted to know who took the photo which I sent them as they were keen to publish it in the paper.  

It's always a difficult one, being asked why you entered a competition.  I find it's along the same lines as those tie breakers you get with certain competitions where the most unique and clever answer wins.  I  feel like I have plenty influences why I entered so I probably kept them on the phone for longer than they intended! played a huge part of my life, almost my entire twenties, devoted to all things guinea pig.  I loved every minute of it and was often in papers and magazines because of it.  Sharing my knowledge and helping people was my drive force.  I still do love my guinea pigs (and now rabbits!) but I grew disheartened and somewhat bored with the direction I was going in.  At the beginning of 2009 I was on the radio and in the papers talking about the new Disney G Force movie and chatting about Yet by the end of the year I'd come runner up in a Face Of campaign for leading pharmaceuticals brand, Pharma Nord and I'd been on national tv (in a bid to win a wedding!) declaring myself as a model.  I'd begun my modelling journey and discovered my next passion.

So that's pretty much my story - with the addition that I was also by this time suffering with fibromyalgia - and even though I've now hit thirty, I've got passion and dedication and don't want to stop.

Today the paper came out and I discovered myself beaming right back at me on page 2.  I love the picture and so proud of my fiance, Sean who was the photographer.


I'm not sure how the contest will pan out and how the applicants will be ultimately picked but I really value your support.  I would love to get to the next stage.  I just may need your help with my quest.  :-)

Becky x

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