Bravissimo, the D+ bra specialists long championing the 'no tape measure' bra fit, have just launched Boob School, a lighthearted bra education guide that simply shows you whether you're wearing the correct bra size and how to recognise the signs of a poorly fitting bra. Why is this so important? As a nation we've long been suffering bras that just aren't right for us. Bras 'gone bad' are to blame for health problems, discomfort, poor posture and unsightly lumps and bumps, so you see, we need to get these bra boobs sorted out once and for all!
Bravissimo's cute polka dot print 'Pretty as a Pin Up' Bra Set |
I was asked by Bravissimo to attend the launch event of Boob School at the end of February which I sadly couldn't make, but it's such a brilliant concept I just had to pass the word on.
With lingerie now available in our supermarkets and online, bra buying has become a no brainer. At the very least, you see a bra you like, you find your size and you throw it in your basket. At the most, you try it on in the shop's changing rooms and have a brief tousle about the straps and check yourself out in the mirror. But, how many of us actually know what to look for when deciding if a bra actually fits as it should? Judging by the over keen cleavage and bouncing boobs so many women sport these days, most of us don't know a thing.
Bring in Boob School's Seven Classes to 'avoid the common bra faux pas'
The Quadraboob is a beast I've been guilty of myself in the past. Commonly experienced - and seen - when a bra's cups are too small to contain the boobs, creating a 'four boob' effect.
To see if you're a victim of the quadraboob, look at yourself sideways in the mirror and see the outline shape of your bust and bra. The quadraboob is also evident beneath a tight top. You need a bra with a larger cup.
The Super Drooper is a very sad bra; no lift, no support, no life. Your bra may be sitting too low on your body to support your boobs.
This is usually down to a wider band than is necessary, inadequately adjusted straps and sometimes too large a cup. This bra really doesn't want to be there.
The Ledge is severe, full frontal and literally in your face! There's cleavage and then there's the ledge, where boobs sit too high in an unnatural, pushed upwards direction.
A combination of a too small cup size and a small band is usually to blame.
Side Boob is not a pretty sight and not very comfortable. You may be guilty of side boobage if you have visible bulging of flesh beneath or around your armpits.
Side boob happens when cups are not large or wide enough to accommodate all parts of the boob. Boobs aren't always just to the front of the body; wide set boobs and larger busts often continue around the side of the body. Increase your cup size to fully encase your boobs.
The High Rider is one of the most commonly seen signs of a wrong bra size. Boobs are not supported and easily bounce when you walk or run.
The band of a bra should always lie horizontally around your back to the direct opposite side of your cups. A band that rides up, is loose and gives when you pull the band away from the body and sits high up on the back is too wide. A smaller band number is needed for a proper fit.
Wrinkling of fabric or empty unfilled spaces make for a saggy bra. Saggy Cups can show through clothing as random folds and creases underneath clothing.
Bras come in different shapes and materials, as well as sizes. Saggy cups can occur when the cup size is too big, but it's also not uncommon to find certain styles of bra may not fit your boob shape. Try a different bra shape to see if the cups fit neater around the boob and a smaller cup.
The Big Stand Off happens when your bra literally stands away from your body; underwires won't sit directly beneath the boob against your ribcage and the central gore will stand away from laying flat against the sternum.
A too large band is guilty of the stand off. Try a bra with a smaller band for a better, closer fit.
It will change your life, not just your bust.
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